Learn To Access MyUMGC Student Login






MyUMGC is the online student portal for the University of Maryland Global Campus. It is also referred to as UMUC login on occasion. UMGC students may log in to access their academic information, register for classes, see their grades, and do a variety of other things, just like they can on any other student portal. Read More

Instructions on how to log into myUMGC

Accessing your myUMGC is required (UMUC login).

Navigate to umgc.edu/login.

To access your personal account, select the “MyUMGC for Students” option.

On the screen where you log in, enter the email address associated with your UMGC account.

To log in, you will need to enter the password for your account.

Your student email addresses are: [username]@student.umgc.edu (for example, hsolo2@student.umgc.edu).

myUMGC login.

myUMGC login.

How to sign up for classes using the online portal of myUMGC

When searching for classes and registering for them online in MyUMGC, the vast majority of students will use the Class Search. Learn More

Sign in to your MyUMGC account, then navigate to the Class Search tab.

You may conduct a search for classes for undergraduates or graduates by selecting one of the tabs that are located at the very top of the website.

You will need to scroll down the page and utilise the dropdown menu next to the Semester heading to choose a term as well as a subject or location before you can begin your search. When you select the More Advanced Search option, you’ll be given access to several search criteria, some of which are Course Number, Class Format, and Class Number.

Look at the bottom of the page to see the results of your search. Click on the kebab menu symbol that is located to the right of the course name in order to read the course description or to add a course to your planner in order to think about it at a later time.

Simply clicking on the name of the class will reveal the available parts.

Next to the area that interests you, look for the button labelled “Add Class to Cart.”

To add items to your shopping cart, use the cart icon located in the upper right corner of the screen.

From the pull-down menu, choose the academic year and semester for which you wish to register.

Check the boxes next to the names of the classes you are interested in enrolling in by clicking the corresponding “Register” button.

To sign up for classes, choose the button provided. A notification containing the current status of your registration will be sent to you.

How to reset your password for the UMGC

If you lose your password or find that you need to modify it in any way, you may simply reset it by using your mobile phone, your personal email account, or by supplying the answers to any challenge questions you put up. It is recommended to update your password every 90 days for increased security.

Navigate to the password.umgc.edu website and fill in the User ID form with the email address that was supplied to you by UMGC. Note: Your e-mail address is username@student.umgc.edu (for example, hsolo2@student.umgc.edu).

After entering the correct code, click the Next button.

Choose the verification method that appeals to you most using the radio button:

Email is my alternate email.

Send me a text on my cell phone.

Dial my number on the cell phone.

If it is prompted, submit your phone number that is not associated with the UMGC.

When you are completed, use the blue button labelled “Email, Text, or Call.”

A verification code will be given to you if you choose either email or text as your preferred method of communication. Please enter the code in the corresponding field.

If you chose to receive a call, you should carefully follow the instructions given to you when you receive the call.

Follow the instructions below to create a new password, then choose Finish to complete the process. The length of a password needs to be between 10 and 127 characters, and it needs to include at least three of the following:

An uppercase letter

A letter written in lowercase

A number

A specialised character, such as the ones seen here:! @ # $

Detailed instructions on how to access your unofficial transcript

To read, print, or download your unofficial transcript from the University of Maryland Global Campus, please follow the guidelines that are provided below (UMGC). To see, print, or download an unofficial transcript is free of charge. However, in order to have access to your unofficial transcript, you will need to have a valid UMGC email address and a password.

You may access MyUMGC for Students by going to my.umgc.edu and clicking on the button there.

To see your academic history, select the button labelled “Academic Records” in the left-hand column.

Simply scroll down until you reach the Transcripts section, and then click on the link that says Get Transcripts.

Simply scroll down until you reach the part labelled “View Unofficial Transcript.”

Next, from the drop-down box labelled “Transcript Type,” select either the Graduate Unofficial or Undergraduate Unofficial option, and then click the button labelled “Generate Transcript.”

When the transcript is ready to be viewed, it will display in the list under the button along with the kind of transcript that was requested, the date that it was requested, and a link to access a PDF version of the transcript.

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