US Warns China Over Military Activities Near Taiwan






According to the US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin on Saturday, China is engaging in “provocative and destabilizing” military operations near Taiwan and is increasing its aggressiveness throughout the Asia-Pacific area as a whole.

Taiwan and China Conflict

Taiwan, a democratically self-ruled island that China claims as its own and has pledged to retake one day, by force if necessary, has stoked hostilities between the United States and China.

China is prepared for War

Wei Fenghe, China’s defense minister, warned Austin on Friday that Beijing was prepared to go to war if Taiwan declared independence.

Austin criticized Beijing’s “increasing coercion” against Taiwan in an address at the Shangri-La Dialogue security event in Singapore, just one day after meeting with Wei. Read More

Asia-Pacific Defense Ministers’ Forum

In a speech at the Asia-Pacific Defense Ministers’ Forum, he said. We’ve seen a continuous escalation in provocative and destabilizing military operations near Taiwan.

Chinese military aircraft

Chinese military aircraft have been flying near Taiwan in record numbers in recent months, almost daily, he claimed.

In his words, “we categorically oppose any unilateral alterations to the status quo”

China Warned US

In order to avoid mistakes, he emphasized the significance of “completely open lines of communication with China’s defense chiefs. These are crucial discussions,” says the author. According to Chinese sources, Wei warned Austin on Friday that “the Chinese army will surely not hesitate to start a war no matter the cost”. If “someone dares to break Taiwan from China,” as reported by Chinese officials. Read More

Beijing will smash to smithereens

According to the Chinese defense ministry. He also warned that Beijing would “smash to smithereens any ‘Taiwan independence’ plot and resolutely maintain the union of the motherland.  A Taiwan’s foreign ministry has rejected absurd allegations” made by Beijing

Chinese claims to the South China Sea

“The Taiwanese people will not submit to the Chinese government’s threat of force,” it declared in a statement. Washington and Beijing have engage in a series of verbal skirmishes recently.

Chinese claims to the South China Sea, commerce. And human rights in Hong Kong and Xinjiang have all been points of contention between the two countries.

Increased Chinese military aircraft incursions into Taiwan’s air defense identification zone have exacerbated tensions over that country (ADIZ).

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